Elden Souls is a dark roguelike action-RPG where you'll traverse through randomized dungeons as a magical and charming swordswoman in an immersive medieval fantasy world. !n exciting, content-rich adventure! Get the full info here.
Elden Souls is an online and dark roguelike action-RPG for browsers (HTML5) where you’ll dive into an immersive medieval fantasy world as a magical and charming swordswoman who needs to traverse through randomized dungeons.
In this adventure, you’ll face varied foes, each posing distinct challenges.
Wield weapons with unique abilities to amplify your combat prowess. Benefit from a rich talent tree that alters your gameplay, craft powerful items, and unleash spellbinding abilities like the Black Hole and Magic Crystal. Fallen in battle? Reclaim your ‘Souls’.
Brace for an exciting, content-rich adventure and rise to the challenge!
- A and D or ← and → – Move left and right
- W or ↓ – Gets down from certain platforms
- Space Bar – Jumps and double jumps
- Mouse – Attacks
- Right Mouse Button – Use selected skill
- You can grab on ledges and stuff.
- C – Opens inventory and chooses equipment
- V – Skill tree screen
- B – Crafting screen
- N – Options
- 1 – Use potion
- Shift – Dash
- Q – Parry
- F – Crystal
More action-RPG
Added In: May 11th, 2024
Categories: Action, Adventure, Recommended, Role Playing Games
Tags: 2D RPG, Action-Adventure, Action-RPG, Crafting, Dungeons, HTML5, Medieval Fantasy, Pixel Art, Retro, Roguelike, Side-scrolling, Skeletons, Souls, Swords
Developer and/or publisher: Fernets
Views: 26
Link to Elden Souls | Dark Roguelike RPG
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