Negative Phase is a peculiar horror side-scrollling adventure where you will explore a chaotic area searching from a vaccine that will prevent a psychotic wave from destroying your mind. Get the full info here.
Negative Phase is a peculiar and online horror side-scrollling adventure game for browsers (in Flash) where you will explore a chaotic area searching from a vaccine that will prevent a psychotic wave from destroying your mind.
In 20 hours, the Psychosis Wave will sweep across this area known as the Zone. You must find the vaccine to prevent the contraction or your mind will be afflicted with intense psychosis.
When entering there, you will fight the twisted dusk men, the human beings that were zombified by the wave, while exploring and talking to the Zone’s inhabitants in your relentless search for the vaccine.
- ← and →: Move left and right
- ↑ or CTRL: Punches
- ↓ or ALT: Kicks
- Space Bar: Fires pistol
- ENTER: Enters buildings and structures
- Move close to people to talk to them.
More horror-themed adventures
Added In: December 28th, 2013
Categories: Adventure
Tags: Flash, Horror, Side-scrolling, Zombies
Views: 19
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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of NetWork 95: