Monster Word Search is a Halloween-themed puzzler that challenges you to find all the names of these creepy little undead monsters. Use your mouse to select the letters that you think will form the words from the list! Get the full info here.
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Monster Word Search is an online Halloween-themed puzzler for browsers (Flash) that challenges you to find all the names of these creepy little undead monsters!
- Use your mouse to select the letters that you think will form the words from the list.
- You have four minutes to find 10 monster words.
- All words will run horizontally, vertically, diagonally and backwards.
- Select each word by clicking on the first letter and dragging your mouse until the end of the word.
- Wrong answers will cost you 25 points. Be careful!
- After you find a word on the list, that word will remain circled and will be crossed off the list.
- Try to score as most as you can so you can challenge your friends.
More Halloween-themed puzzlers
Added In: January 4th, 2014
Categories: Puzzlers
Tags: Education, Flash, Halloween, Monsters, Mummies
Developer and/or publisher: WaynesArcade
Views: 24
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