Halloween Ghost Hunts is a gallery shooter game where you are in front of a haunted house and will have to kill different types of ghouls, ghosts, mummy, zombies, witches etc. Get the full info here.
Halloween Ghost Hunts is an online gallery shooter game for browsers (Flash) where you are in front of a haunted house and will have to kill different types of ghouls, ghosts, mummy, zombies, witches etc.
You have to use your reflexes and skills to put them down for good before they attack you!
This game features the classic theme from the Halloween movies!
- Use your mouse to shoot the ghouls. It’s not very precise so you must find the right spot to click on them.
- Follow the instructions on how to kill each monster that are given-in game.
- Each time a ghoul attacks you, you will lose a life. When you run out of lives, the game will be over.
More Halloween-themed shooters
Added In: March 26th, 2013
Categories: Shooting
Tags: Ghosts, Halloween, Reflexes, Shooting Gallery, Undeads, Under construction, Witches
Views: 16
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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Warfare 1917: