Boat Racing Challenge

oat Racing Challenge is a slow paced racing game that involves quite a bit of puzzle cracking skills. Keep your eyes on the power bar and release your mouse! Get the full info here.

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Boat Racing Challenge is an online and slow paced racing game for browsers (Flash) that involves quite a bit of puzzle cracking skills.


  • You have to use your mouse to set how strong your boat is going to ride in the direction you want, as long as it puts you near the finishing line, before your opponent.
  • Once you see the arrow in your desired angle, you can press the mouse, keep your eyes on the power bar and release your mouse.

More boat racing games

Added In: December 27th, 2012

Categories: Puzzlers, Racing

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Developer and/or publisher: Independent Game Development

Views: 31

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Sadly, we still don't have any videos for this game, but here's one of Low's Adventure:

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