Angry Birds (Series)
Games from the Angry Birds series, a game franchise created by the Finnish company Rovio Entertainment, or games that are based or look like it. Angry Birds games focus on multi-colored birds who try to save their eggs from the pigs, their enemies. Inspired by Crush the Castle, Angry Birds has been praised for its successful combination of fun and casual gameplay, comical style, and low price.
Games or posts with the ‘Angry Birds (Series)’ tag
Angry Cats
Views: 20Ninja Dogs 2
Views: 15Ninja Dogs
Views: 16Angry Heroes
Views: 18Bazooka Boy Online
Views: 26Pixel Archer – Save The Princess
Views: 29Neon Catapult
Views: 99Super Rocket Buddy
Views: 15Angry Infected 2D
Views: 15Angry Flying Zombie
Views: 14Angry Cat Shot
Views: 11Angry Skulls
Views: 23Angry Zombies
Views: 26Skulls vs Zombies
Views: 29My Zombie Classmates
Views: 13Pro Zombie Golf
Views: 9Rocketville
Views: 28Crazy Christmas!
Views: 19Angry Birds vs. Zombies: Ultimate War
Views: 983Angry Bird And Zombies
Views: 47Featured Game
Ride on the Road
Just Ride on the Road, trying to make as many laps as possible, getting the achievements and making the highest score you can.